To ensure you with fast results of the forecast for the week in your current U.S location on any device.
Audience Description
The age demographic for this weather website are aimed at everyday residents of the U.S with an income of approximately $52,000.
The level of education ranges from the less educated to the scholarly.
The forecasts are specifically for those located within The United States of America.
This site is aimed at the lifestyle of families, to better serve them in order to create more clarity to start their busy days off, therefore,
a simple website with relevant content applicable to them.
Families will be able to acces the content on this website on all devices: mobile, tablets, laptops, etc. for those days at home or on express to a soccer game.
This is the Smith Family. Jessica and Alan have been married for 15 years and have 2 children, Stefany and Tim.
They have a very vigorous schedule consisting of full-time jobs, extra-curricular activities, church and more.
Jessica is a computer programmer and Alan is a CPA. With both their salaries combined, they make a about $120,000.
Their goals are to do everything in a fast productive manner with great quality. They do not have time to watch the weather channel on T.V and wait to see
the weather segment so they need to view it on a portable device.
Although we are very busy, we make sure we set aside time to spend with our family.
Sketches (wireframes)
The logo is in the navigaton bar (which will link to the hompage). The search bar is to look up different locations (such as cities and states) to view their forecast.
The footer is located at the bottom with links to other pages.
Peer Review
Name of the reviewer: Monica McGary
Peer review: "Sam,Your designs look good, the only thing I have a question about are the headers for the Today column? Just add some headers and you should be good."
Response: I followed Monica's counsel to add headers. With that, it sparked some ideas and I added the temperatures to the 'Today's Forecast' and 'Weekly Forecast.'
I also added a spot for an image of the weather conditions of states across the U.S.